หลักสูตรปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต (หลักสูตรนานาชาติร่วมกับมหาวิทยาลัยในต่างประเทศ)

Grading System

      Grades given in each course are based on student’s performance in the final examination, tests, essays and reports, presentations and other forms of classroom participation, assignments, and laboratory exercises, although not all these elements may be present in each course. Students will not be given any grade for the course nor be allowed to sit for the examination of that course if their names are not on the class enrolment list.
Letter Grades Definitions
A Excellent
  B+ Very Good
        B        Good
   C+ Fairly Good
 C Fair
    D+ Poor
  D Very Poor
  F Fail

Other Designations Definitions
S Satisfactory
 U Unsatisfactory
        I        Incomplete
   P In Progress
 W Withdrawal
    AU Audit
  X No Report

      The audited (AU) designation will be assigned when an auditing student has completed, to satisfaction of the instructor, any conditions established at registration as an auditor. An Incomplete (I) grade is used when work is necessarily delayed through no fault of the student, such as a medical problem or an equipment breakdown. This grade must be converted to a regular grade at the beginning of the next semester; otherwise it is converted to F. The withdrawal without penalty (W) grade is given when a student withdraws from a course after the “add-drop” period and prior to the prescribed deadline for course withdrawal.

Grade Requirements

      For all postgraduate programs, the average course grade obtained for satisfying degree requirements must at least be “B” for core courses and required courses and at least be “C” for elective courses. However, the average grade points for graduation must be at least 3.00.