IUHW, Japan, is looking for a recommendation of senior lecturers and assistant professors in the fields of basic and clinical medicine

The International University of Health and Welfare, Japan, (IUHW) is looking for a recommendation of senior lecturers and assistant professors in the fields of basic and clinical medicine who are interested in working temporarily (1-3 years approximately) at the IUHW School of Medicine, Narita Campus, Japan. IUHW is especially looking for candidates in the following fields:
① Infectious Disease
② International Medical Cooperation
③ Global Health
④ Genetic Analysis
⑤ Remote Image/Pathologic Diagnosis
⑥ Physiology/Biochemistry
The original affiliation of the faculty's staff who interests to apply for the positions at IUHW as mentioned may propose the name of the applicants along with the application documents to the International Relations Office via: ir.rama.med@gmail.com, or tel: 0057 by September 23, 2021. For more information, please directly contact Mr.Yoshihito Hattori, Director, Department of International Affairs, International University of Health and Welfare (IUHW), Tel. +81(0)3-3475-5062, E-mail: tokyo-kokusai@iuhw.ac.jp.