BRIMEA Cloud Class Program 2021

The “BRIMEA Cloud Class Program” in the 2021 Spring semester came to its end on August 31st, and the 2021 Fall semester courses will open to BRIMEA foreign Council Members in September.
10 courses fully taught in English will be delivered in the 2021 Fall semester (Please click for syllabus of the courses) :
1 Surgery (2021 Spring semester)
2 Diagnostics (2021 Spring semester)
3 Traditional Chinese Medicine-Acupuncture and Moxibustion (2021 Spring semester)
4 MedicalImmunology
5 Ophthalmology
6 Guidance for Protection against COVID-19 for Staff and Students in Universities and Colleges
7 Doctor-Patient Communication Skills
8 Medical Nursing
9 Advance of Infection and Immunity
10 Progress in Human Embryology
1 - 5 are provided by China Medical University. 6 - 8 are provided by Xiangya Medical School of Central South University. 9 and 10 are provided by Shandong University Cheeloo College of Medicine.
The application deadline for 2021 Fall semester courses will be October 8th, 2021. Please finish the registration and join the course before October 8th. Please refer to for a specific registration process.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Secretariat of BRIMEA. Contact Email: