Macquarie’s Research Partnership Workshop & Scholarship Offers

Macquarie University's Research Partnership Workshop & Scholarship Offers (MURPWS) is a half-day event, held on Friday 9th November 2018 @ Mini Theater 3rd fl. Mahidol Learning Center (MLC), Mahidol University, Salaya Campus. The session will be executed on the following schedule:

08:30 – 09:00 hrs. Participant Registrations

09:00 - 09:15 hrs. Arrive at MLC, Salaya Campus and welcomed by VP for international Relations and Cooperate Communication

09:15 - 10:35 hrs. Session # 1 Cotutelle and Research Partnership Workshop for Faculty's executives in research/IR , head of department, and program chief (International Ph.D. programs)

10:35 - 10:45 hrs. Break & Refreshment

10:45 - 12:00 hrs. Session # 2 Scholarships Opportunity (Doctoral level) for Ph.D. students and the concerned faculty members.

Keynote speakers from Macquarie University:
1.Dr. Yi Ren, Executive Director, Research Training and International Research Training Partnerships

2.Mr. Matthew Monkhouse, Director, Global Engagement and Business Development

For prior registration, please click:https: //