About Ratchasuda College Mahidol University

สมเด็จพระกนิษฐาธิราชเจ้า กรมสมเด็จพระเทพรัตนราชสุดา ฯ สยามบรมราชกุมารี

Ratchasuda College was established in accordance with the generous mercy of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindorn, daughter of HM the King of Thailand. She has held a life long interest in and has a deep concern for persons with disabilities. Much of HRH efforts in the past have been concentrated on the very young. It is through HRH efforts and urging that action is being taken now to expand educational services to the persons with disabilities beyond the secondary school level. In mid 1990, HRH expressed concern for the disabled and urged the development of programs to provide opportunities for education and training of persons with disabilities.

The establishment of Ratchasuda College will be a major step towards meeting the goals and ensure the basic rights of the handicapped promulgated by Article 26 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, as well as assure that the Thai Laws for the Handicapped are met. Therefore, in 1992. Ratchasuda College started to operate by organizing the Development Centre and Physically Disabled Persons Research in fiscal year 1992. After the college was officially established, the royal annual budget was allocated to the college for constructing infrastructure to conduct the college activities under the supervision of Emeritus Prof. Poonpit Amatyakul, the first director of the college. Afterwards, the establishment of location, building, manpower, curriculum, research and academic services for persons with disabilities were conducted to prepare for the college activities.